When you purchase codes from AppSumo to use with fluXtore, please note the following:
- Redeeming the First Code:
- You can only redeem the first code purchased from AppSumo directly on our website at: https://fluxtore.com/appsumo. This code will be automatically activated and reflected in your account.
- Redeeming Additional Codes:
- If you have purchased additional codes beyond the first one, you will need to send an email to info@fluxtore.com to have these codes activated manually by our support team.
- Dashboard View:
- In your account dashboard on our website, you will only see the first redeemed code.

- If additional codes are added to your account, the number of licenses available can be viewed within the License Management section of the Fluxtore plugin.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team at the email provided.