How to update fluXtore free&pro

The purpose of this guide is to provide WordPress users with clear and concise instructions on how to update the fluXtore Free and fluXtore Pro plugins. Updating plugins is crucial to ensure the security of the website and to take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes offered by the new plugin versions.

Here’s the complete guide on how to update the fluXtore free and fluXtore pro plugins on WordPress:

First and foremost, perform a full backup of your WordPress site. This is a crucial step to ensure the safety of your data in case anything goes wrong during the plugin update process.

Access the administration panel of your WordPress site. You can do this by typing “/wp-admin” at the end of your site’s URL (e.g.,

In the left sidebar, click on “Plugins” and select “Installed Plugins.” You will see a list of all the plugins currently installed on your site.

Look for the fluXtore free and fluXtore pro plugins in the list of plugins. If there are new versions available, you should see an update notification next to their names.

Select the fluXtore free and fluXtore pro plugins that you want to update. You can do this by checking the boxes next to their names or by clicking on “Select All” to update all the plugins at once.

After selecting the plugins, click on the “Update” button located above the plugin list. The update process will begin.

During the update, you may need to wait for a few moments while WordPress downloads and installs the new versions of the plugins. Make sure not to interrupt the update process or close the browser window.

Once the update is complete, you should see a confirmation message indicating that the plugins have been successfully updated. Ensure that everything is functioning correctly on your site after the update.

If you encounter any issues during the update or experience errors after the update, you may need to contact fluXtore plugin support for further assistance.

Remember that updating plugins is crucial to ensure the security of your WordPress site and to take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes offered by the new plugin versions. Always keep your plugins up to date to optimize your site’s performance and provide a better user experience.

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Updated on July 8